Cura Terra is a student-run environmental journal, formed in fall 2020 under the auspices of the Georgetown University environmental studies program. Successive student cohorts have developed the mission and focus, designed the platform, and established editorial practices and procedures. The project emphasizes interdisciplinary inquiry, collaborative decision-making, innovative and critical thinking, a personal connection to environmental issues, and an action-oriented approach. “At Cura Terra, the personal forms the beating heart of our work. We are an undergraduate journal founded on values of justice and equity, putting people at the center of the world’s most pressing environmental issues.”

Learn more in About, and visit the live site HERE .

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News & Announcements

Submit your work to Cura Terra!

February 11th, 2021

The newly revamped student-run Environmental Studies journal, Cura Terra, is up and running! Visit the new site HERE, and to have your work considered for publication, check the submissions…


October 4th, 2019

We are in the process of reviving Georgetown’s student-run environmental journal. The former incarnation last published in 2007; the project has remained active and students have worked on it as…

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